So your not going to beleave this but

so your not going to beleve this but i am an inturn for nickilodian stoodios and i have never even thought that i would ever be so scared of my life
the other day me and my frends were looking over an episode of hollyday: return of holly and if you dont know what that is its a lost show that was never released because it made kids suiceide themselfs no biggy, but anyway on the episode they showed like blood and stuff and i puked all over my brand new snap back and i was angry so i tried to sew the disney channel and i lost so now im backruped and idk what to do so anyone give me feedback please?
so my bankruped self decided to get a new job, and i got a job at an abbandoned cartoon network place and i have to watch sucurity cams. i have checked the toilet cams and i saw nothing, i checked the kitchen cams i saw nothing, i checkered the other toilets and i saw a homeless man no biggy.
but then i checked the dining room cams
and i saw
(sorry for clithanger on last ep)
i quit that job and got my pay, a decent 6000$ was my pay i bought a hose for 200 bucks i wonder why it was so cheap. i went inside and saw a bear trap on my foot and i almost bled to death but i lifed no biggy, i wwent upstairs because i was tired and i sleeped and got sleep.
PARt 5 lol i ran out of ideas........
(feelfreetodeletethispage) (: